

1YL will cover the cost from your home airport to either Anaheim (SNA) or L.A. (LAX) on the approved travel dates of your official conference attendance. Flights must fit within the parameters of the policy in order to be covered by the conference fee.

Logical fares include, but are not restricted to:

  • Flights must be within $100 of the lowest logical fare.
  • No more than two layovers for domestic travel.
  • No earlier than a 6 a.m. departure.
  • No red-eye flights.

If travelers choose to travel on dates other than their approved conference dates, and there is a difference in fare, travelers or their mission unit are required to pay the difference.

1YL will not cover charter flights.

Airfare Exchanges and Cancellations:

**All fees and costs associated with any changes to your flight, once it has been booked, are your personal responsibility.

  • All ticket fees and charges associated with changes/exchanges/corrections must be placed on the staff person’s personal credit card. This is why it is imperative to verify and confirm travel plans before booking. Details for when you need to arrive, depart, etc., will be coming with registration. ​
  • If the change is business related, the area may allow the expense to be charged to their P Card. Plane tickets are non-transferrable; therefore, airfare cancellations become the property of the area employing the person ticketed. Should you or anyone in your area need to cancel, we will have detailed instructions on that process after registration opens.
Why all staff must use the selected vendor to book their flights:

Booking through one travel agency allows Young Life to:

  • Take advantage of volume discounts.
  • Handle all billing internally.
  • Have itinerary information to coordinate ground transportation.
  • Have the travel agency handle travel issues that arise on the conference travel days.

All air travel — both domestic and international — must be booked through the travel agent during registration. Only tickets purchased through the travel agent will be paid for from 1YL funds.*

Out-of-Policy fares include:
  • Fares more than $100 above the lowest logical airfare.
  • Fares that are not round trip.
  • Fares that are direct when connecting flights are at least $75 less expensive, and your total journey time is not increased by more than two hours.
  • Flights that do not fly into and out of LAX or SNA airports.
  • You may not travel first class, business class or premium economy class, unless you receive a free upgrade within your own frequent flyer account.
  • If available, select “Search nearby airports” on your departing city, and consider those airfares if the savings is greater than $100.

Please note: If you select an itinerary outside the guidelines list above, you will be asked to provide an explanation and personal payment at the time of booking.

*iStaff experiencing visa issues are exempt from this.

*International travel from countries with complex needs may book outside the travel agency. Please read the full International Travel Policy​ for more information. ​


  • Reimbursement is designed for people living eight hours and/or 450 miles or less from Anaheim by car. ​
  • Reimbursement will be the standard mileage reimbursement, and no more than $450 round trip for the driver. In addition, each passenger's area will receive a $100 credit. The driver will not receive this additional credit. ​
  • If you choose to drive from a greater distance, the reimbursement will remain $450. No additional reimbursement may be made for your mission unit. ​
  • If you drive a Young Life-owned vehicle to 1YL, a transfer will be made to the mission unit to cover fueling, parking and toll expenses with receipts. Please save all of your receipts, as you will need to submit all of them.
  • Rental cars are not covered in this policy.

Guidelines for Childcare Costs of Children at Home During 1YL

Childcare for children at home during 1YL is considered a valid, reimbursable expense through the local budget. In most cases, both parents must attend 1YL or be a single-parent family.

If only the staff member is able to attend the conference, and both parents work and share in childcare costs, the portion of additional childcare costs resulting from the absence of the staff parent during the days of the conference (and pre-conferences) is reimbursable.

Staff may be reimbursed a maximum of $100 per day/per family for time spent at 1YL and any pre-training or conferences*. For those attending 1YL, only five days are reimbursable. For those attending 1YL and the pre-conference, eight to 10 days are reimbursable, depending on travel and supervisor approval.

Reimbursement will come from the staff person's local budget. (Be sure to include this amount in your FY24 budget under "Travel and Conferences.") This reimbursement is at the discretion of the local budget and the staff supervisor.

All other anticipated costs of attending 1YL are included in the conference charge and will not be reimbursed by Young Life.

To make sure Young Life’s 1YL childcare reimbursement policy equitable to our staff, below are additional guidelines for these expenses

For the five days of 1YL (including travel days), childcare reimbursement will be a maximum of $500 per staff family. (Unless a staff member attends a pre-conference or has official conference duties). In the case of the pre-conference, the maximum amount a mission unit may reimburse is $700.

Guidelines for Reimbursement:

  1. The mission unit will reimburse the cost of paying a non-family member to stay and care for the children. We will not reimburse for the cost of paying a family member for childcare. A signed invoice from the caretaker will be required for reimbursement.
  2. The mission unit will reimburse the cost of transportation for family to care for the children, up to the $100 per day/per family, maximum. If the family member drives, the cost of mileage will not exceed the cost of a plane ticket for the travel. This reimbursement can also be used to take the children to family.
  3. If both spouses work for Young Life, the reimbursement will be split evenly between the two mission units for which the spouses work. The reimbursements will not be paid out of the 1YL budget, but they will be paid out of the mission unit or local budget.
  4. Young Life will not directly pay for the transportation or for the caretaker, but we will reimburse the employee with appropriate documentation (invoice, mileage log, etc.). Food for the children while you are traveling is not reimbursable.
  5. No house or pet sitting will be reimbursed.


Examples of reimbursable expenses:

  • A grandparent flies from Texas to watch the children. Young Life will reimburse the cost of the plane ticket, up to the limits set by the policy ($500 for those attending just 1YL).
  • An employee hires a friend to watch the children. A signed invoice must be turned in for documentation purposes. ​
  • A family member who will be the caretaker does not live in the staff member’s city. Staff can turn in mileage to drive the children to the family member’s house, at the business rate, which includes drop off and pick up. The amount cannot exceed the cost of a plane ticket to the location, or the $100 per day/per family maximum. If this travel is on the way to 1YL, these miles cannot also be included in the travel reimbursement to the 1YL office.


If you have any other questions

One Mission. One Body.